fantarara's graycells: underneath every woman....

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

underneath every woman....

..with unruly hair, bare face, survival wardrobe and sensible shoes, there's a princess waiting for sephora. i first discovered this heaven in georgetown, washington, DC. since then, every visit to a major city is not complete without a visit to the heaven that is color, beautiful smells, and the joy of BROWSING without a perfectly made up brow inspecting your every move. in fact, that's all i do there: browse colors and scents.

could use a visit there right now. why? just had a vanity custom-made (inspired by the filing
cabinet,the most ingenious of cabinets) and was reorganizing my stuff when i realized that out of my 10+ scents only a couple i still like; my lipsticks have acquired a fish oil taste, and all my nail
polish require 10 minutes of vigorous shaking before use.

actually, for a while now i've been waiting for sephora to open in jakarta but no such luck. perhaps because out here we have a high number of kleptomaniacs, albeit the kind that steals from bank accounts.

what to do since i absolutely abhor browsing elswhere. hate the make up counters at the malls; did that for 1st time when i was 25, and would rather not browse there again. a quick in and out usually leaves me with stuff i won't use anyway. darn. guess will have to live with blubber for a few months til i figure it out. or maybe the sephora people will read this blog and realize the fortune they'll make by opening a shop in jakarta. then i'm saved.


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